Christian Vuerings

Lessons learned from

Let's take a look at and see what we can learn from their source code. Tech used…

From Fast to Lightning Fast: Cambly's Next.js App Router Conversion Journey

At Cambly we converted our kids landing page to the Next.js app router which boosted our Lighthouse performance score from 91 to 100! Our experience led to gaining…

5 Useful Bash Aliases for Mac OS X

As a developer, one of the things that can help you is to focus on being more productive by automating tasks that you do a lot. The following is a list of bash…

Things I like doing in SF

Living in the bay area is amazing and these are a couple of awesome things that you can do & places you can go in the city. Bike ride to Sausalito or Tiburon &…

Faster Ways To Do PeopleSoft Fluid UI Development

PeopleSoft Fluid UI Development Developing pages in PeopleSoft Fluid UI can be pretty time consuming and cumbersome.…

Goals & Interests for 2015

The beginning of the year is always a good time to reflect on the past year and set goals for the new one. This is my list for 2015. Goals…

5 Lessons Learned Using gulp.js

Using gulp.js isn't always straightforward. Here are a couple of tips to help you out. 1. Things don't run in sequence…

Hub - Supercharge Git

If you're using GitHub and the command line, then hub is something for you. Supercharge Git…


Berkeleydir enables you to easily find people in the Berkeley directory. (code) Why build something new?…

It's Not About The Technology

Since the day we've had multiple computer languages, developers started arguing about which language is the best. It's almost like debating which brand of car is…

Fixing Security Preferences in OS X Mountain Lion

When trying to run an application, OS X gave me the following warning: OS X Mountain Lion Warning…

Managing an Open-source Project

As some of you may know, over the last couple of months I've been working & managing a project called jQuery Lifestream. It isn't always that easy and there are…

Developing jQuery Plug-ins

Lately I've been developing jQuery plug-ins in my spare time. Definitely go and check out the example…

Comparing Ourselves

When we compare ourselves to other people, we always pick those with whom we have a connection or similarity. For instance when we look at our career, we look at…

The Importance of Failing

We are afraid of all kinds of things. It's not only you and me but everyone. It's in our nature to have fear. In fact it's something that keeps us alive. If we…

Thanks Zach for the GitHub Love

Ever since my first visit to I've been following up on what Zach Holman has been doing. He gained attention with facelette, and I just love his…

Once You Go Mac

Have you ever dreamed about a PC that you don't need to shut down. Where you just had to close the lid and when you open it, it only takes about 2 seconds to be…

Weathery – A Weather Aggregator

As a sailing instructor it's important to know as much information about the weather as possible. You need to be able to see how much wind there's going to be,…

2011 Resolutions and Dreams

Resolutions Start a website/blog about catamaran sailing that is usable for other people…

My 2010 Reflections

The moment just after New Year is always a good time to reflect back on the previous year and set your goals for the year to come. Work…

Github Pages - Free HTML/CSS/JavaScript Hosting

Quite recently I've started to use github as a free hosting service for HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The way to do this is by using github pages. Normally this service…

Hacking Around With Userscripts

Lately Lately I've been hacking around with userscripts. Those scripts are JavaScript files that can enhance the experience of a user on certain websites. Here's…

Loading Everything at Once - HTML, CSS & JavaScript

Some Sakai3 front-end developers had a dream: For our widget loading mechanism we want to load the HTML / CSS and JavaScript in one request (without asking the…